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Program - October 23

7:15 am | 8:15 am Breakfast Talk: Corporate Governance and the Capital Market
8:15 am | 8:30 am Badge Pickup
8:30 am | 8:40 am A summary of yesterday's activities
8:40 am | 9:40 am

Session 5 – Management's Duty of Trust and Responsibility

According to Corporate Law, administrators are responsible for the company and its stakeholders. Several cases of liability for company debts and penalties assessed by CVM emphasize management's role. Attention has been drawn to the application of CVM's Guideline # 35. Also, recent liability cases will be discussed in this session, as well as the purpose and limitations of D&O insurance.

Local: Auditório Ernst & Young Terco (Auditório principal)

Moderador: Marcelo Trindade - Sócio de Trindade Sociedade de Advogados

Convidados: Otávio Yazbek - Diretor da CVM – Comissão de Valores Mobiliários e Cassio Casseb Lima

9:40 am | 9:55 am

Message from IBGC
Heloisa Bedicks – Superintendente geral do IBGC

9:55 am | 10:00 am

Entrega do Prêmio IBGC-Itaú Academia e Imprensa ao terceiro colocado

10:00 am | 11:00 am

Session 6 – Advisory Committees

With the mission of deepening studies to support decisions made by the board of directors, the committees may eventually assume an executive position or prevent the other directors from taking positions on matters to be decided by the board as a whole. What is the Brazilian reality with regard to board committees? What are the most popular committees? Do they consist of board members only? Are they led by independent board members? Do they include executives? Do they include external consultants? Are directors paid in addition to their compensation as board members? This panel will also include a debate on the corporate audit committee and the role of the fiscal council.

Local: Auditório Ernst & Young Terco (Auditório principal)

Moderador: João Verner Juenemann - Coordenador do Comitê de Auditoria da Tupy S/A 

Convidados: Dóris Wilhelm - Diretora de Relações com Investidores da Forjas Taurus S/A, Tereza Grossi - Membro do Comitê de Auditoria da BM&FBOVESPA e Francisco da Costa e Silva - Sócio de Bocater, Camargo, Costa e Silva advogados

11:00 am | 11:30 am

Networking Break

11:30 am | 11:35 am

Entrega do Prêmio IBGC-Itaú Academia e Imprensa ao segundo colocado

11:35 am | 12:35 pm


Simultaneous sessions will discuss different forms of ownership, the various roles of the board of directors, and how its mission is determined by organizational bylaws. Commitment to volunteer work and director liability complete this debate.

Session A – Co-Operatives

How to deal with the separation between the board and management, ownership and executive management (agency conflict) in co-ops and what mechanisms may replace an independent director, since, under co-operative legislation, non-co-operative members are not allowed to be directors. How to address existing conflict of interest situations with the co-op director.

Local: Auditório Ernst & Young Terco (Auditório principal)

Moderador: Joaquim Rubens Fontes Filho - Professor da FGV/Escola Bras. de Adm. Pública e de Empresas (FGV/EBAPE-RJ)

Convidados: Ademar Schardong - Presidente Executivo do Sicredi e Eudes de Freitas Aquino - Presidente Unimed do Brasil e Marcio Lopez de Freitas - Presidente da OCB (a confirmar)


Session B – Soccer Team Boards

How to attract directors who stand by their duty of trust to associations such as soccer teams. Separation between management and board, and the director's role in the interests of the club.

Local: Auditório Ernst & Young Terco (Auditório 1)

Moderador: Carlos Biedermann - Sócio da PwC e Conselheiro do Grêmio

Convidados: Elena Landau - Sócia do escritório Sergio Bermudes Advogados, Aod Cunha – Ex CEO do Internacional e Nélio Weiss - Conselho do Botafogo Futebol e Regatas).


Session C – Nonprofit Boards

How to attract directors who abide by their duty of trust to nonprofit organizations. Improved organizational management and the Board's role in the process. Funding sources and conflicts of interest.

Local: Auditório Ernst & Young Terco (Auditório 2)

Moderador: Luiz de Luca - Superintendente Corporativo do Hospital Samaritano

Convidados: Claudio Luiz Lottenberg - Presidente do Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein e Manoel Cordeiro - Sócio da BR Investimentos

12:35 pm | 1:50 pm Lunch
1:50 pm | 2:50 pm

Session 8 – The Board of Directors' Strategic Role

The board's mission is to set the company's strategic direction. Are boards in Brazil really fulfilling this role? This panel will discuss how to strike a balance between strategy and monitoring and how directors should enforce their role before the controlling shareholder. The panel will additionally discuss difficulties former top executives may occasionally encounter when serving as board members.

Local: Auditório Ernst & Young Terco (Auditório principal)

Moderador: José Luiz Bichuetti - CEO da Associação Congregação de Santa Catarina

Convidados: Patrick de Larragoiti Lucas - Presidente do Conselho de Administração da Sul América Seguros, Flávia Almeida - Sócia Sênior da Monitor Group e Cláudio Galeazzi - Sócio e conselheiro do Banco BTG Pactual

2:50 pm | 3:20 pm Networking Break
3:20 pm | 3:30 pm

Entrega do Prêmio IBGC-Itaú Academia e Imprensa ao primeiro colocado

3:30 pm | 4:30 pm

Session 9 – Director Evaluation and Compensation

One of the main tools available to shareholders in evaluating individual performance of board members and the board as a whole is the annual assessment. This tool should serve as a yardstick for reappointing someone to the position, team-forming decision, and may be linked to compensation. Forms of board member compensation will be discussed in this panel, and a comparison will be drawn between director and officer compensation. Should compensation be linked to the board member's performance? How do you create incentives for the long-term vision? How can you create board member satisfaction, commitment, recognition, and motivation without doing away with the monitoring incentive? The panel will also address pay disclosure and CVM's view.

Local: Auditório Ernst & Young Terco (Auditório principal)

Moderador: Josmar Bignotto - Coordenador do Comitê de Recursos Humanos do IBGC

Convidados: Ana Paula Chagas - Sócia da Heidrick Struggles e Representante da Women Corporate Director Brasil, Alexandre G. Silva Presidente do Conselho da Embraer e Murilo Cesar Lemos dos Santos Passos - Presidente do Conselho de Administração da CPFL Energia

4:30 pm | 5:30 pm

Session 10 – Closure of the Conference

Local: Auditório Ernst & Young Terco (Auditório principal)

Moderadora: Sandra Guerra - Presidente do Conselho de Administração do IBGC

Expositor: Robert A.G. Monks – Especialista em Governança Corporativa



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